Workforce Development

The RTMA recognizes that technology-intensive and dynamic advanced manufacturers require highly skilled workers to perform at leading-edge levels and compete globally.
Supporting the Advanced Manufacturing Workforce for Over 80 Years
For nearly 80 years, the Rochester Technology and Manufacturing Association has helped develop high-skilled workers for manufacturing companies in the greater Rochester and Finger Lakes region. Starting as the Rochester Tooling and Machining Institute, the school generated hundreds of skilled candidates for local companies for decades. In the 1990’s, the RTMA conveyed its school to Monroe Community College’s Applied Technology Center. The RTMA recognizes the need to recruit, retain and train candidates for our local advanced manufacturing workforce by providing the following benefits:
RTMA's NYS Registered Apprenticeship Program
Since 2018, the RTMA has been the greater Rochester and Finger Lakes region sponsor of the NYS Registered Apprenticeship Program for advanced manufacturing companies. The RTMA partners with dozens of companies and offers more than 15 trades. Learn more about RTMA's NYS apprenticeship program >>
Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program (FLYAP)
The Finger Lakes Youth Apprenticeship Program connects students to industry through matching days and facility tours which leads to job shadows and paid co-ops. To date, more than 800 students and 150 businesses in the region have participated in FLYAP. The program is the only one of its kind in New York State! Learn more about the benefits of FLYAP >>
ROC With Your Hands
The RTMA partners with local government, businesses and high schools to for the region’s largest one-day career exploration event – ROC With Your Hands! The event is held on the first Tuesday of October and allows students grades seven through twelve to learn more about careers in advanced manufacturing, skilled trades, automotive technology, heavy equipment and more! Find out more on the ROC With Your Hands page!
RTMA Scholarship Programs
The RTMA offers exclusive scholarships for its members and their employees. The James M. Nieboer Scholarship Fund offers scholarships for educational institutions across the region and the Tooling & Machining (TAM) Scholarship provides financial assistance for students at Monroe Community College.
James M. Nieboer Scholarship Fund (PDF Download) >>
Nieboer Scholarship Application (PDF Download) >>
Tooling & Machining Endowed Scholarship & Application (PDF Download) >>