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Apprentice Program Spotlights

Dozens of participants have successfully completed the RTMA’s NYS Registered Apprenticeship Program. Congratulations to the following workers.
2024 Apprentices

Congratulations to Charles Hassell II of DP Tool in Avon, Livingston County on successfully completing the NYS Registered Apprenticeship Program as a CNC Machinist.
Chuck is DP Tool’s first apprentice to receive his Journey Worker card and certificate. Way to go, Chuck!
2023 Apprentices

On October 11, 2023, Joe Nesbitt of Eastman Kodak in Rochester, Monroe County was presented his Journey Worker certificate. Joe completed the program as a Plant Maintenance Pipefitter and is the RTMA’s first Journey Worker in the trade. Congratulations to Joe on becoming the 42nd RTMA apprentice to complete the program!

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